Teenager, 17, hanged herself hours after telling friends she had been raped while they were at party, inquest hears

Megan Younger-Watson, 17, was allegedly raped while drunk after visiting a pub

Inquest also heard she had witnessed a violent mugging and tried to help victim

Suffolk Coroner's Court in Ipswich was told she was found dead next morning

Friends said she was left 'distraught' by the 'rape' but CPS did not charge suspect

Coroner identified 'missed opportunities' to help her fragile state prior to death

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A teenager was found hanged after revealing she had been raped just hours earlier, an inquest heard.

Megan Younger-Watson, 17, was allegedly raped at a party after she spent the evening drinking and taking drugs with friends at a pub. 

Suffolk Coroner's Court in Ipswich heard how she was 'distraught' when she told friends of the attack as they walked home from the party in a flat.

She was found dead the next morning in her room at supported housing accommodation hostel Christchurch House in Ipswich, Suffolk.

Detective Inspector Daniel Connick of Suffolk Police said the alleged rape had been investigated and a male suspect was identified after Megan's death.

He was never brought to court after the Crown Prosecution Service decided against bringing charges, the hearing was told.

Megan Younger-Watson, 17, was allegedly raped at a party in February 2019 and was found dead in her room the next morning, an inquest heard

But Det Insp Connick said it was 'apparent' that Megan would have been 'too intoxicated' to consent to sex.

He also revealed that she had been in a same sex relationship at the time she died on February 16, 2019.

Megan's mother, Natashia Younger-Watson, told the inquest she felt more could have been done to protect her daughter on the night she died.

The coroner also identified a number of 'missed opportunities' on how to deal with Megan in her fragile state. 

The inquest heard on Tuesday how Megan's medical cause of death was given as compression of the neck, consistent with hanging.

Tests revealed she had taken cocaine, MDMA and Xanax - a drug used to treat anxiety - the previous evening, but her alcohol levels were below the legal drink-drive limit.

Suffolk senior coroner Nigel Parsley said Megan had also witnessed a violent mugging and had intervened to help the victim.

Suffolk senior coroner Nigel Parsley said at her inquest Megan had also witnessed a violent mugging and had intervened to help the victim, which would have added to her trauma before her death

He said the incident outside the Grinning Rat pub in Ipswich where Megan and her friends had spent the evening would have added to the night's trauma.

Teenager hung herself

Mr Parsley recorded a conclusion of death misadventure, 

He said Megan would have been 'too distraught from the events of the previous evening to make any rational decision to end her own life'.

The coroner also said that her mental health issues made her prone to impulsive acts

READ full details via: Dailymail.com

Teenager, 17, hanged herself hours after telling friends she had been raped while they were at party, inquest hears

Megan Younger-Watson, 17, was allegedly raped while drunk after visiting a pub

Inquest also heard she had witnessed a violent mugging and tried to help victim

Suffolk Coroner's Court in Ipswich was told she was found dead next morning

Friends said she was left 'distraught' by the 'rape' but CPS did not charge suspect

Coroner identified 'missed opportunities' to help her fragile state prior to death

For confidential support call the Samaritans on 116123 or visit samaritans.org

A teenager was found hanged after revealing she had been raped just hours earlier, an inquest heard.

Megan Younger-Watson, 17, was allegedly raped at a party after she spent the evening drinking and taking drugs with friends at a pub. 

Suffolk Coroner's Court in Ipswich heard how she was 'distraught' when she told friends of the attack as they walked home from the party in a flat.

She was found dead the next morning in her room at supported housing accommodation hostel Christchurch House in Ipswich, Suffolk.

Detective Inspector Daniel Connick of Suffolk Police said the alleged rape had been investigated and a male suspect was identified after Megan's death.

He was never brought to court after the Crown Prosecution Service decided against bringing charges, the hearing was told.

Megan Younger-Watson, 17, was allegedly raped at a party in February 2019 and was found dead in her room the next morning, an inquest heard

But Det Insp Connick said it was 'apparent' that Megan would have been 'too intoxicated' to consent to sex.

He also revealed that she had been in a same sex relationship at the time she died on February 16, 2019.

Megan's mother, Natashia Younger-Watson, told the inquest she felt more could have been done to protect her daughter on the night she died.

The coroner also identified a number of 'missed opportunities' on how to deal with Megan in her fragile state. 

The inquest heard on Tuesday how Megan's medical cause of death was given as compression of the neck, consistent with hanging.

Tests revealed she had taken cocaine, MDMA and Xanax - a drug used to treat anxiety - the previous evening, but her alcohol levels were below the legal drink-drive limit.

Suffolk senior coroner Nigel Parsley said Megan had also witnessed a violent mugging and had intervened to help the victim.

Suffolk senior coroner Nigel Parsley said at her inquest Megan had also witnessed a violent mugging and had intervened to help the victim, which would have added to her trauma before her death

He said the incident outside the Grinning Rat pub in Ipswich where Megan and her friends had spent the evening would have added to the night's trauma.

Teenager hung herself

Mr Parsley recorded a conclusion of death misadventure, 

He said Megan would have been 'too distraught from the events of the previous evening to make any rational decision to end her own life'.

The coroner also said that her mental health issues made her prone to impulsive acts

READ full details via: Dailymail.com