A nurse just said her mind about what's going on the inside of the hospital she works in the United States and after that she quit her job.

A young lady nurse took to her instagram to tell the world that America isn't ready for the the covid-19 Pandemic that's going on around the world, currently As of 00:30 CEST on 8 April (18:30 EDT, 15:30 PDT on 7 April), there had been a total of 386,800 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US, with 12,285 deaths. 20,191 people in the country have officially recovered after contracting Covid-19. The epicentre in America has been in New York City where 4,009 people have lost there lives due to the disease.

She said in the video that nurses are not being protected, they also have a family to go back to.... They have been somehow exposed to the Coronavirus patients and might affect them in some ways.

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A nurse just said her mind about what's going on the inside of the hospital she works in the United States and after that she quit her job.

A young lady nurse took to her instagram to tell the world that America isn't ready for the the covid-19 Pandemic that's going on around the world, currently As of 00:30 CEST on 8 April (18:30 EDT, 15:30 PDT on 7 April), there had been a total of 386,800 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US, with 12,285 deaths. 20,191 people in the country have officially recovered after contracting Covid-19. The epicentre in America has been in New York City where 4,009 people have lost there lives due to the disease.

She said in the video that nurses are not being protected, they also have a family to go back to.... They have been somehow exposed to the Coronavirus patients and might affect them in some ways.

Watch Video below:-