Attorneys admitted after Feb. 1, 2018 are under a new State Bar requirement to complete 10 hours of training under the New Attorney Training Program. The training must be completed within the first year of an attorney's admission. 
New attorneys have one year from the last day of the month in which they were admitted to complete the training. For example, an attorney admitted on March 15, 2018 must complete the training by March 31, 2019 (Rule 2.53(D) of Title 2, Division 4, Chapter 1 of the Rules of the State Bar).

Completing the training

For attorneys admitted after Feb. 1, 2018, the New Attorney Training Program courses are accessed through their My State Bar Profile. Once an attorney has established their individual My State Bar Profile, they will be added to the e-learning portal and will receive a confirmation email from the State Bar providing information about accessing the New Attorney Training Program courses.

Once signed into My State Bar Profile, a notice concerning the requirement should appear in a reminder box near the top of the page. To proceed, follow the instructions in the reminder box.   
For assistance establishing a My State Bar Profile or finding the reminder notice described above, please contact the State Bar by calling 800-888-3400. 

Program details

The online courses were designed to be completed in any order and at your own pace. New attorneys can leave and return at any time, and progress will be saved. Only eight of the nine courses are currently available. They include:
  • 4 hours of legal ethics
  • 3 hours of basic skills
  • 1.5 hours on competency (substance abuse, mental health issues)
  • 1.5 hours on recognition and elimination of bias in the legal profession
After completing each course, new attorneys will receive a certificate that can be saved or printed in order to document completion of this requirement. Save an electronic or print version of the certificate because resource materials and certificates of completion will be available only for 30 days after finishing each course. After that, they will be unavailable.  
The State Bar developed the New Attorney Training Program and provided it without charge. Credits for the program can also be applied to an attorney's regular MCLE requirement.


Attorneys admitted after Feb. 1, 2018 are under a new State Bar requirement to complete 10 hours of training under the New Attorney Training Program. The training must be completed within the first year of an attorney's admission. 
New attorneys have one year from the last day of the month in which they were admitted to complete the training. For example, an attorney admitted on March 15, 2018 must complete the training by March 31, 2019 (Rule 2.53(D) of Title 2, Division 4, Chapter 1 of the Rules of the State Bar).

Completing the training

For attorneys admitted after Feb. 1, 2018, the New Attorney Training Program courses are accessed through their My State Bar Profile. Once an attorney has established their individual My State Bar Profile, they will be added to the e-learning portal and will receive a confirmation email from the State Bar providing information about accessing the New Attorney Training Program courses.

Once signed into My State Bar Profile, a notice concerning the requirement should appear in a reminder box near the top of the page. To proceed, follow the instructions in the reminder box.   
For assistance establishing a My State Bar Profile or finding the reminder notice described above, please contact the State Bar by calling 800-888-3400. 

Program details

The online courses were designed to be completed in any order and at your own pace. New attorneys can leave and return at any time, and progress will be saved. Only eight of the nine courses are currently available. They include:
  • 4 hours of legal ethics
  • 3 hours of basic skills
  • 1.5 hours on competency (substance abuse, mental health issues)
  • 1.5 hours on recognition and elimination of bias in the legal profession
After completing each course, new attorneys will receive a certificate that can be saved or printed in order to document completion of this requirement. Save an electronic or print version of the certificate because resource materials and certificates of completion will be available only for 30 days after finishing each course. After that, they will be unavailable.  
The State Bar developed the New Attorney Training Program and provided it without charge. Credits for the program can also be applied to an attorney's regular MCLE requirement.
